

Decreased activation in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPC) is shown on fMRI in All Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion Patients with Symptoms

Decreased activation in Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPC) are shown on fMRI in All Brain Injury & Concussion Patients with Symptoms Despite normal score on Memory Task Athletes in the PCS Improved group had an initial activation in the left temporal lobe that was not seen in the control group.Along with ...

Good Brain = Better Balance

Do you wobble if you stand on one foot? How about with your eyes closed? If you walk in a straight heel-to-toe line do you stumble? How about with your eyes closed? If you stand with your feet together and close your eyes do you sway to one side? Do ...

Dysautonomia- What your Hands & Feet Reveal About Brain Health

What your hands and feet say about your brain Although your hands and feet are located the farthest distance from your brain, the health of your feet and hands can give you clues about the health of your brain. Dysautonomia refers to a disorder of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) ...

Depression Symptoms

What are depression symptoms? Are you or a loved one suffering from depression and in search of treatment that addresses the root cause? Contact our clinic to learn about our Brain Rehabilitation approach that will get you back on the road to living a happy life again! Below you will ...

Repairing Brain Connections

Researchers find a new pathway for neuron repair Researchers have discovered a brand-new pathway for repairing nerve cells that could have implications for faster and improved healing. These findings demonstrate that dendrites, the component of nerve cells that receive information from the brain, have the capacity to regrow after an ...